Game 6, 20 Years Later

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I was just about the only person I knew preaching the belief that yesterday's rain out hurt the Mets far more than it helped them. After tonight, I'm sure there will be many experts preaching the same thing.

But to hell with the analysis. To hell with the punditry. And to hell with the matchups, the injuries, the umpiring, the managing, the bullpens, the starters, the hitters, the men left on base, the fielding, the baserunning, and the bunting. To hell with it all, because in the end the game is played between the foul lines, and tomorrow is (logically speaking, at least) twenty years after Game 6.

Twenty years later, I still believe. Let's go Mets.

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I still believe!


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This page contains a single entry by Lee Feigenbaum published on October 18, 2006 12:49 AM.

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